Sunday, October 15, 2006

New Sky

We have a new website to go along with this weblog!

Our deep appreciation to my friend Jana Mochkatel and her team at Net-Time, who designed and developed our logo and site.

Our great appreciation, too, to Fred First of Fragments from Floyd, who so generously gave us permission to use his gorgeous photo, Transparent Green of Spring (above, and see it enlarged here, and in context, here)

We began our medical and health care practice a little over 6 years ago, as a not-for-profit called One Sky Medicine (which we now call "Old Sky"). In our idealism and naivete we made numerous excessively expensive business choices that compounded over time, and by the end of 2004 we decided to acknowledge all the good intentions, hard work, tremendous struggle and tremendous contributions by so many (hundreds of) people (staff, administrators, board members, colleagues, our wonderful patients and community supporters) and to ask the board to cut our losses and go out of business.

A seed group of practitioners, our bonds forged in that kind of heat that comes from hours and months and years of working together, playing and eating (a lot) together, living through difficulty, and becoming like family to one another, decided after long discussions that we would stay in business together. Our form now is of independent practices joined in partnership, our overhead is much less than half of what it was, we are steadily paying back the debts, and most of our patients came along with us when we moved. We're grateful to all that has sustained us and brought us this far. It feels as if our transplanted roots have had a chance over the past 18 months to settle in and grow, and so now we have more energy to reach from the inside out and extend our tender stems and leaves into the wider world.

cross-posted to life cultivating life

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